And so last August, I made my way to a workshop in Roxbury, Connecticut, that Meg Bitton was involved with, where I was so swept away with the way looking at those images made me feel, that I just couldn't.get.enough. And so, I attended my second workshop, this one named Souls. Imagined. I made my way to New Jersey (well, and New York City, but thats another story in itself), counting moments to begin.
The thing about Megs work that makes my heart sing, is her unconventionality. Meg doesn't follow rules so much as she breaks them. And it works. For her. And for me, I want to learn how to loan people the feeling of being taken away somewhere unique and special...even if its only a fraction of what Meg can do....I think it's a true gift.

This workshop was, like the last one, amazing.

I could watch Meg shoot all.day.long. Sure, I wish I could have her locations, and her weather is at least slightly more agreeable, but the truth is, the magic is in the way she teaches you light. And vision. And make no mistake, Meg knows how to process an image to complete the magic and take you to another place. And no holds barred, she will show you how to apply those principles to your own images. There is no magic mathematical equation that gives one an image that can take you someplace else, however. You must be able to look within and find it yourself. But thats the thing. She makes you look there.

Photography is special, because you won't ever wake up one day and realize there is nothing left to learn. Its an endless road of possibilities. All you have to do is challenge yourself to look further to see so much more possibility.
And I would be lying if I said that the way she runs the workshop itself isn't something very special. Its not just a workshop. Its a retreat. We eat delicious food. Are treated to massages. Meg picked us up from our hotel and drove us to each location personally. She laid in the mud beside us, pointing out what we were missing. She walked us through her steps of processing her images from.start.to.finish. She allowed us the pleasure of celebrating her birthday and the workshop all wrapped up in one and we enjoyed the most fabulous evening out, gorging ourselves on the most delectable Italian cuisine I have ever tasted. I won't mention the wine. And when it was all said and done, she parted with a special token gift and dropped us off at the airport herself.
Just like my last workshop with Meg, I left feeling inspired, educated, excited, and, yes, exhausted. I met a bunch of absolutely wonderful ladies, laughed until my face hurt, learned until my brain hurt, and stood in a whole bunch of lines at airports and it was all worth every dollar, every moment spent.
And I would do it again in a New York minute. Twice. On Sunday.
That was so beautifully said!